Monday, January 19, 2009

Inauguration Kicks off with Noah's First Concert!

No, this is not a photo from an episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8... although it looks like we have 8 kids, huh? It's a shot of the prep process for yesterday's inaugural concert down on the Mall. Layers were a must to keep the little ones warm. They ended up not needing all of them, because it was 40 degrees yesterday... but tomorrow we're looking at 20 degree temps with a wind chill much lower. Brrr... Here we are all bundled up and heading out...

Noah kept peering around my shoulder for a better view... Friends don't let friends walk alone to large-scale events...
Just a quiet afternoon with hundreds of thousands of our closest friends.
... but nary a line at the port-o-potties. Miraculous.
We are so excited to live so close to all the action, so we can witness history!

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