Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Seat at the Table... and a Cup, too!

Noah sat and the table today... I gave him a cup for the first time, and he acted like he had been drinking like a big boy forever.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Big Boy shirt

How adorable is the button-down??

Friday, February 13, 2009


Noah enjoyed a Valentine's Day "sock hop" with his little friends today. His shirt says "Loverboy" in case you can't make it out! He sat up unassisted for the entire hour... insert Rocky/"Getting Stronger" music here...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wheels on the Bus

Back in the Hospital... but Home again Now!

Noah's little lungs continue to work hard despite several viral and bacterial infections this winter... he needed a little extra help in the hospital last weekend. He's home now and seems to be back to his cheerful self!

Dr. Lily was a frequent visitor and made sure the hospital staff took extra special care of her little brother...

Happy Happy Happy

I feel like I'm always posting smiley picture of Noah on his blog... because that's all he does!

In a good mood, even right before bedtime...
Wide-eyed little man

This box has provided us HOURS of entertainment... Lily, Noah and I are inside a "rocket" in this photo.

He's sitting up completely on his own now...

Happy during tummy time

Happy during dinnertime


These are from a couple weeks ago, but it gives an idea of how active Noah has been lately. He was quite proud of himself for "standing" while playing with his table. He likes to lean against the sofa too...