Saturday, September 19, 2009

NICU Reunion

Noah had his NICU reunion last weekend. We had been back with him for a few appointments, procedures, etc... but it was the first time our whole fam, Lily included, had been at Georgetown since the day we brought him home. We have come a long way! No matter why we are at Georgetown on a given day, I find myself remembering driving into the parking garage on the wee hours of July 5th. Just thinking about that day makes me cry... but as I watched the little man toddle around his party, there was just such an overwhelming sense of pride in how far our little man has come.

Characters, balloon animals, music, ice cream... it was quite a party!

Noah wasn't quite big enough to enjoy the bouncy castles, but we made sure Lily felt like it was a party for the big sisters of NICU kids, too. She had a blast.

More tears... Lily giving the contents of her piggy bank to the "Pennies for Preemies" fund. We talked to her about bringing a few of her pennies, but she emptied the whole thing.

Apple Picking

Back to Homestead Farm yet again! It was too cold for the pool on Labor Day, so we headed to pick apples. (Noah was quite a bit bigger than his last trip.)

Friday, September 4, 2009