Monday, January 19, 2009

Inauguration Kicks off with Noah's First Concert!

No, this is not a photo from an episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8... although it looks like we have 8 kids, huh? It's a shot of the prep process for yesterday's inaugural concert down on the Mall. Layers were a must to keep the little ones warm. They ended up not needing all of them, because it was 40 degrees yesterday... but tomorrow we're looking at 20 degree temps with a wind chill much lower. Brrr... Here we are all bundled up and heading out...

Noah kept peering around my shoulder for a better view... Friends don't let friends walk alone to large-scale events...
Just a quiet afternoon with hundreds of thousands of our closest friends.
... but nary a line at the port-o-potties. Miraculous.
We are so excited to live so close to all the action, so we can witness history!

Mama's Boy

Noah loves to give kisses!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Soon-to-be Mobile?

When his big sister was this age, we would put toys just a little outside her reach, as an incentive to get moving. I find myself doing the opposite with our little man. I so love the happy, bubbly, cuddly stage he's in...and am remembering the babyproofing, sleep interruptions, etc. that go along with this next stage. But Noah is getting so much bigger and stronger... I think he'll be on the move before we know it!!

Chilly Inauguration Prep

Yesterday we bundled up for a chilly, but very refreshing, walk around the city. We were excited to see lots of busy preparation for Inauguration Day... i

I worry that Noah and his big sister don't share their parents' excitement...